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Lynne Mcwatters, Owner/Trainer

ACE Certified Personal Trainer

TRX Group  & Functional Certified Instructor

Nutrition Specialist

PIYO Certified


I just turned 45, but I can honestly say I am in the BEST health/shape I have ever been in.  I really believe age is just a number.  I was not always interested in fitness and health, I was that person who was always last picked for sport teams.  I took an interest in running when I was in the Navy and fell in love with how I felt AFTER my runs.  I have completed a handful of marathons, and half marathons. After a few years of the running  I found myself injured,  I was introduced to functional/strength training, which made me a stronger athlete.  I decided to become an  ACE certified personal trainer because I had found my passion in life.  I have over  13 years of experience, and I truly feel blessed to wake up every day and help clients lose weight, improve their self esteem, teach them how to eat better, and train them to accomplish more than they thought possible.  I consider my clients like family and I strive to keep them healthy and fit for themselves and their loved ones.

Don’t let the mind or fear stop you, let the mind challenge and push you!








Meredith Forkum
ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Functional TRX Certified Instructor


I started working out with Lynne in early 2013 when my youngest daughter was 6 or 7 months old. I immediately loved it! Lynne is the most genuine person and her workouts are always fun and challenging. She has inspired and motivated me in so many ways. I am super excited to be joining Lynne and Ship Shape Fitness.

I have always been active and love all sports. I grew up playing a little bit of everything, but in high school I focused on basketball and volleyball. Volleyball became a huge part of my life. I played on club teams all throughout high school and played for two years after high school at FCCJ (now FSCJ). I helped at summer camps conducted at FCCJ and I coached a U16 and U14 volleyball team for Clay County Blaze. Most recently I coached my oldest daughters U8 volleyball team. I have also been an assistant coach for U8 soccer and U5 basketball. The best part about coaching is watching the kids as they develop and grow. Now I am excited to encourage and to help adults reach their fitness goals.

I am eager to share my love of fitness and athletics with others.