Jumping Rope

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Pat yourselves on the back we completed one whole month of jumping rope to Taylor Swift’s “Shake it Off” hit.   This month we are still jumping rope but it will be a different challenge. I know many of you do not like the jump rope, so I thought I would write about all the benefits of jumping rope, because they are endless, and proper technique.  First, I must say it may be the cheapest and simplest piece of equipment you can buy, not to mention it takes up little space to jump rope.   In my eyes it is the biggest bang for your buck.

When you jump rope your entire body is engaged the entire time. Your calves, hamstrings, core, shoulders and arms are constantly working with each jump, not to mention you are strengthening your most vital organ, which is your heart. Jumping rope will improve your balance, speed, agility, and coordination.

Finding the correct jump rope length for you? If the rope is too long or too short, it will constantly trip you up. Ropes that are too short force you to keep your arms too low and allow very little room for error. Ropes that are too long make skipping difficult because the rope hits the ground too far in front of your body causing it to catch your heels. Here are some guidelines

-Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart

-Put the rope underneath one foot and pull the handles up to your chest, the ends of the rope, not the handles, should be roughly at chest level.

Now that we have been jumping rope consistently I want you to work on form.

  • Jump on the balls of your feet
  • Keep your knees slightly bent
  • Keep your jumps to 1/4 to 1/2 inch off the ground
  • Keep your elbows close to your sides
  • Use your wrists to turn the rope, not your arms
  • Keep your head straight and looking forward
  • Keep your upper body relaxed, not tense
  • Focus on keeping your shoulder blades retracted

 I am excited about this next challenge! See you all at class.

One Response

  1. lisa tomasino

    Love jump roping. Bring it. Now that my foot is healing I’m in for month two

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