Dreaded Scale

Dreaded Scale

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The Dreaded SCALE- some of you weigh every single day, others once a week, and some of you do not even own a scale. Many of us, are emotionally attached to a particular number.   I am here to tell you that you are more than just a number, it does not define you!!!!!!!! Your weight is simply one way to look at your health, it is not the only way. You must look at many aspects, to gain a comprehensive view of your health, for instance, muscle tone, genetics, bone density, blood pressure, medical tests, fitness level, cardio endurance, strength, confidence and more importantly your clothes. Your clothes will never lie to you but the scale can fluctuate and be inaccurate, based on water and sodium intake, a night out with girls , a heavy meal, or that glass of wine you had last night. I will not lie, I do weigh myself, but it does not define me, I can drop 6 lbs after a long run or put on 6lbs at night. I keep myself accountable by my weight, how my clothes fit, BP, blood work results, how my workouts feel, eating 80/20, and basically small things like taking the stairs rather than the elevator, parking further from stores so I have to walk. I promise if you make it more about your health and lifestyle, the scale will simply just become ONE tool to hold you accountable. As far as my health goes…….  the most important thing is CONFIDENCE! There is nothing more sexy than confidence, being comfortable in your own skin. You earned this body, you work hard, you should thank your body and LOVE IT, LOVE YOURSELF!


One Response

  1. I only weigh once a month, and like you said i go by how my cloths are fitting and overall how I am feelinh. Great article.

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