Comparison…….the thief of our JOY!

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Health & Fitness is a HUGE passion of mine. I fell in love with the process of becoming mentally and physically stronger! I love watching everyone’s journey in the pursuit of becoming a better version of themselves, because everyone has a unique journey. We all have varied body shapes and sizes and your individual genetics will determine how your body responds to certain lifestyles. Mimicking someone’s diet and activity will not necessarily yield the same results for you.

As humans we naturally compare ourselves to others, some days they are whispers other days they are high pitched screams!!!! My point is, when our minds are consumed with what others look like, we find ourselves playing the comparison game, and then it becomes “me” vs “them”. This thought process will become counter-productive and will take away from your own accomplishments, your own journey, and your own authenticity! This thinking can also lead to feelings of unworthiness, unhappiness and defeat, so it is no surprise so many of us quit our fitness journeys.


January is right around the corner and with that comes resolutions. We will soon be inundated on social media, with weight loss pictures, super toned bodies, crazy diet plans, and the newest crazy exercise equipment that you just must have!  Count this, Track that, ya-da-ya-da. In order to get a certain look or reach a goal, sure you need to tighten up your daily nutrition and get moving, but I want to be clear there is more to life than 0% body fat. Sadly the fitness industry has gotten ridiculous, a big problem is the quick fix culture; with diet and exercise fads being the norm.

Social media has gotten ridiculous too……….somehow they have defined what beautiful and fit is suppose to look like! Sure, those tiny waists, and big super toned booties look great but reality is that Instagram picture has been taken at least 20x, the picture was posed properly to help accentuate curves, and many of those social media fitness queens or kings you may be following, live their lives around NOTHING other than “Eat, Sleep, Lift, Selfie, Repeat”. And listen folks that is ok for them, I am not hating at all! I am praying you do not get caught up in this nonsense, be careful who you’re allowing to speak into your life!


In my 20’s, I was that person, eat, workout, sleep………repeat, at some point it became an obsession, and not a healthy one, working out was my life, and NOTHING could interfere with my schedule! Looking back I did not find enjoyment from this craziness. I Compared myself to everyone at the gym, which created a vicious cycle, because we are all different. Comparison is the thief of all joy, and that is what happened!

We are all human, and of course we compare, but please take inventory of those thoughts in your head!  I have learned when it comes to fitness you must follow your own path, find workouts and classes that you enjoy, and listen to your body!!!!! Because you know that whatever you do, and whatever way your journey unfolds, will be completely different to the ones you’ve been following on social media or the ones you have been comparing yourself to.


Speak life into yourself rather than playing the comparison game. Of course you can learn from others, be inspired by others, uplifted by others, but when you begin to compare, you can easily get lost in a world that is subjective. Concentrate on your daily improvement and focus on progress, rather than perfection! Most importantly be proud of yourself at every step of your journey, and embrace and love your body, because it is the most amazing thing you will ever own!  I will end with one of my favorite quotes, “The best achievement in life is doing something you think you can’t do.”

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