You are not a number!

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Being a personal trainer for over 12 years I have worked with many many amazing, beautiful, strong, individuals from all different fitness levels and all different sizes.  The one thing that continuously rears its ugly head, is the number on the scale.   GET OFF SCALE!!!!!!!! Don’t get me wrong the scale can be used as a parameter and measurement of where your fitness and health chapter begins, it also gives you a numerical reflection of your relationship with gravity!  To me, the most important factor is the relationship a person has with his or her own self-image, not mathematics, not a number.


Day after day countless people across America get on the scale every morning, in search of a desired number, a validation of beauty and social acceptance. Get off the scale, I have yet to see a scale that can display or measure how you are pushing past your boundaries, your perseverance when challenged in workouts and life, or how each day you are becoming better than yesterday!


You are beautiful, your beauty, your happiness, and your success, is not measurable on the scale. The scale can mess with your mind, and the human mind can be your own worst, most powerful enemy. Your mindset can sabotage any health and fitness goals you may have created. Don’t give the scale more power than it has earned, remember it is simply a measurement tool, one parameter of measurement, and one single number!

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