I Feel Pretty

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My daughter and I just watched the movie “I feel Pretty” it was super funny, but WOW the message behind the comedy was spot on, it was  about self-confidence and self-love.  As a Mum I want my girls to truly know their self worth, and understand, that it is not directly correlated to their looks!!! Just, as I want my clients and friends to know they are strong, healthy, and beautiful  even if they are not a size 0 or a specific number on the scale!


PEOPLE……..the fitness industry is a 60 BILLION dollar machine, because it capitalizes on our vulnerabilities and insecurities.  I have seen a huge shift in the fitness world, regarding exercise, it has become more and more about what we look like on the outside, rather than the real health benefits such as strength, functionality, mobility, endurance, and the countless benefits which happen inside our bodies.

You can have a little fat, but not too much.
You can have muscle, but don’t have too much, you don’t want to be bulky.
You cannot have Cellulite, even though every single woman has it naturally.
Eat this, don’t eat that.
No No No No No No

You cannot live your best life while trying to be something or someone you are not. If you think you will be happier once you look like what the fitness industry has deemed “ideal”, I guarantee you, you will not. Believe me, there is much more to you than what your body looks like, what the scale says, or how much cellulite you have or don’t have. The pressure on women today is ridiculous, the so called “ideal body” is literally impossible……..

We are all different shapes and sizes, in fact some of my fittest and strongest, friends do not look like the so called “ideal” body.  I myself certainly don’t look like that!!!!!! I am not a size zero, I have cellulite, I have stretch marks, I have loose skin from pregnancies, my 10 pack abs are not as defined as they use to be (ha-ha Insert Laugh), my body has changed and continues to change, but it is ok………
I feel strong, I am strong,
I feel healthy, I am healthy,
I feel good!


I believe most people want to be healthier and want to feel comfortable in their own skin. In order to do this, you must evaluate where you are at this very moment, and write down where you want to be in 6 weeks, 6months, and a year from now.  Second, you must create a plan of action, steps that are necessary to reach that specific goal. But, the most important part of this whole transformation is to enjoy each step, each pound, each inch…….simply put, YOU are one of a kind, your body, your genetics, your metabolism, your fitness level, YOU are unique…………and definitely not created to fit an “ideal image”. Give yourself a lot of grace, actually give yourself a ton of it, then find YOUR balance with YOUR health and fitness!


If you don’t like the treadmill, stair master, or gym, don’t worry, take the pressure off ……..there are many ways to get your exercise in and there is no reason you should ever feel like a slave to it. Getting healthy is not a punishment or chore, but truly a blessing, we get to do this, so find something you enjoy!!!!! Exercise can come in many different forms, walking, hiking, biking, running around the park with your kids, rock climbing, taking different classes offered at your local gym, training for a 5k, swimming, yoga, dancing, boxing, just moving!!!!!!! Personally, I am not huge fan of the gym, I get bored, but I love to be outside, running, swimming, biking, TRX, plyometrics,  and stand up paddling.  So, find what you like and it will be much easier to be consistent, because you enjoy it.


Last thought……………..PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Inventory those negative thoughts, because honestly you would NEVER speak to someone else the way you speak to yourself! So please start supporting, respecting, being compassionate, and being proud of yourself! Remember you cannot live your best life while trying to be something or someone you are not, so just strive to be better than you were yesterday!

LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!


One Response

  1. So true! No one else could be you like you could. When we love ourselves we build confidence and confidence always looks good even better than a perfect size.

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