Believe In You

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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE……….Stop the constant negative chatter in your head! How can you start believing in yourself when you are constantly telling yourself you are not good enough!


Last night, I walked outside to relax and watch the kids play in the pool, to my surprise, I found them “training” with resistance bands in the pool. They said they were training to become stronger and faster with their swim strokes.  These kids amaze me, but watching and listening to them, got me thinking about what happens to our confidence from childhood to adulthood.  But, before we get into all that here is a wee backstory of how the “Water Resistance Training” came to be on a Saturday night. 🙂


Saturday morning we had a Conference Swim Meet against many of the bigger high-schools in the area. Our high-school is much smaller, and our swim team is a young team composed of mostly of freshman and sophomores. Now in saying that, these kids swam their hearts out and many had PRs on Saturday morning, they did AMAZING. Driving home from the meet, both of my girls were talking about how amazing and how fast some of the other swimmers were.  Without missing a beat, and full of confidence, they agreed they too, will be fast and strong like those older girls. Which leads us back to the “Pool Training”. I love love love that both of them wholeheartedly believe in themselves and are confident in knowing they will be strong and fast like the athletes they saw at the Swim Conference.


I wish somehow, we kept that child like faith and confidence in ourselves as we grow older, that feeling inside that we can conquer the world or be anything we want to be. As we grow older, it is very easy to fall victim to a self sabotaging mindset, and become our worst enemy. Most of us are so busy being busy…. (totally guilty of this myself) we tell ourselves we don’t have time to work on our own well being (physically and mentally), because we have a gazillion things to do. Honestly, all those “things we have to do” will always be there. We must figure out a better way to have a balanced life, and learn to push aside the “gazillion things”, so you can work on YOU!


Our thoughts hold so much control as to what an outcome will be, it can truly be debilitating. Our thoughts can also be responsible for setting limits on ourselves. If I am completely transparent with you all, I use to be the worst at this, I still have to be mindful not to say “I can’t”. In the past I would set limits on everything, which is basically telling ourselves that we cannot do it before we even try it. The limits we set on ourselves stem from self doubt, and self doubt can and will destroy you. Self doubt will also keep you from moving forward, and you become stagnant. When you become stagnant with your health, you will not reach those goals, or you will jump on a yo-yo lifestyle, falling on and off the wagon.


So, I challenge you to become more aware of your thoughts, are they keeping you stagnant or are they pushing you forward? Take inventory of the thoughts!!!!!!  The way you think and how you speak about yourself is incredibly important. It expresses how you feel about yourself, what you think you deserve, and what you believe you’re capable of. These thoughts determine your destination……. your goals…….your life.


Second do not overlook your daily victories, no matter how big or how small. Focusing on your VICTORIES will begin to shift the way you talk and think about yourself, and will help grow your CONFIDENCE.  Self love and self belief are like seeds inside of you, when you provide them with the environment and nutrients they require, they will grow and flourish. Believing in yourself and what you are capable of is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Don’t ever underestimate yourself or what you are capable of!!!! We all have time in our schedules to improve and become a better version of who we are!


Love ya all.

2 Responses

  1. Arline Holloway

    Thank you for the positive perspective Lynne. We need more of that message in the world.

  2. Marilyn thode

    You are a blessing to all these wonderful ladies you work with and to anyone who you may meet along your path. Proud to call you my daughter. I love you ❤️

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