Support leads to Success

posted in: blog, Women's Health | 4

Madeleine K. Albright once said “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.” This quote has stuck with me and I honestly did not fully understand the meaning behind it until I was married, a mother, and living on a tiny island hours away from my family/friends and to top it off husband was on a 7 month deployment.   Those first few months of that deployment, I saw grown women tear other women down without batting an eyelash, but on the flip side I also saw others display true compassion and support for each other.

Life is hard, many of us are expected to do 60 things all at same time. Lets face it we are responsible for running a household, family, work, and KIDS whether it be dealing with 2 year old tantrums, 3 year old tantrums, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 goes all the way up! There have been many times I have been overwhelmed, I seriously would go in my garage and simply scream at the top of my lungs. Then of course……. the guilt of not being good enough or comparing ourselves to other women, surfaces and then I feel even worse. Comparison is very dangerous, comparison will never end on a good note for any of us. We cannot compare, but we can be honest with each other and support each other, we are all doing this crazy thing called life together, and as mothers and wives we are usually going through the same types of stresses.

You may be thinking this is a weird blog for a fitness site, but we are so much more than a fitness group. I have said it before and I am saying it again you all are family, friends, support system, and therapists to each other! The exercise classes have brought you together and you have seen each other at your worst, your most vulnerable, and your STRONGEST, but bottom line you all support each other in class and in life. There is no I in the word TEAM, well that is because it is true, you are stronger as a team rather than on your own!

I receive emails and texts constantly regarding milestones each individual has hit, and every single one of those messages includes the group dynamic and the support they received from the group. This support in turn, makes others journeys a little easier.   Sometimes, being supportive requires nothing more than being there right beside that person pushing your stroller or doing your planks together, or that high five, and even as simple as a smile. I see this type of support at every single class, please keep it up ladies you are inspiring so many more than you think! A simple hello or good job means so much more than you know.

I want to share with you all some of these anonymous emails/texts just so you can see the importance of our group!

-I wanted to say thanks to you and those amazing women of ship shape. I wanted to quit on those false start things but the lady next to me kept saying you got it. Well it worked I finished them. I just love the energy of all the ladies.

-I was super scared to try out a group class, I already had decided I would hate it but everyone was so amazing and very friendly and I am so happy I stuck with you gals. Last night at Moms night out I realized this was my first night out in over a year, I had such a great time just being out with no kids and having fun with these ladies.

-Happy Thursday, I feel amazing, I am sore all over from yesterday, but a good sore. Thank you I don’t think I have felt this great since I had kids.

-I have been going through a divorce and classes have been a breath of fresh air for me. It really has gotten me through some hard times. Many days I did not want to get out of bed, but I did and dragged myself to class, but there is one girl that always smiles from ear to ear and just makes me feel so special and welcome, now _______ and I are great friends. I actually love to workout now, and I am upset it I miss a workout. J

-On vacation, but just jump roped to “Shake it Off”

4 Responses

  1. Love you ladies dearly and feel blessed to start my day with you all and end it!

  2. OMGosh I love this post and it’s so true! We have an amazing group of women who lift each other up. These women don’t only lift us up and encourage us in class but in life as well. We have a great example in you Lynne! You have changed my life for the better and I’m so thankful to have you in my life! Love you and all the ladies on the journey called life!

  3. a great group of empowering women! Blessed beyond measure to have Lynne and her awesome support system that she’s built! Keep encouraging and growing, ladies!!!

  4. lisa yomasino

    Lynne I feel the same way. I have fun at the workoits and when im being pushed harder it makes me realize that if I was going to be pushed hard I would want it to be by one of these amazing ship shape ladies. I have been so much more relaxed and less stressed because I continue to go to your classes. You are an inspration to all of us and I feel so blessed to have met you. I am back to running races which I havent done in two years and im getting stronger everyday.

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